

Moving into a Care Home is a major move in anyone’s life. At Bentley Lodge Care and Nursing home we will make every effort to make this move welcoming and comfortable.

Whenever possible, we make a pre-admission assessment so that we can discuss care needs, and any other important issues.#

For those clients who are funded by Social Services, our fees are in line with the rates set by Social Services. There is a slightly higher rate for higher dependency levels.

Private Clients are welcome and our fee rates are very competitive. We also have a large number of CHC (Continuing Health Care) Clients, who are fully funded by the NHS.

The extras for which a resident is required to pay are Chiropody, Hairdressing, Newspapers, and Toiletries. All of these can be supplied or organized by Bentley Lodge Care and Nursing Home. Personal Televisions and Radios are permitted in the rooms. We recommend that all items of clothing be labelled.